How the Index Works
In an effort to make it easier to find 'dits' (stories) and articles as the volume expands beyond the flexibility of our website tabs and the restrictions of our blog, we have created this index. Generally speaking, the lists will indicate whether the item falls under the category relating to things about Oberon class submarines and Pirates a category which reveals submariner life. Some items currently appear under our Flashback tab which is how we have dealt with the overflow situation to date. This is where we have chosen to 'park' new items so they are always visible.
When you click on any of the links below, they will open as a separate page which will make it be easy to return to the index for more enthralling/humorous experiences.
When you click on any of the links below, they will open as a separate page which will make it be easy to return to the index for more enthralling/humorous experiences.
Index to Items About Oberon Class Submarines
Items written by Jim 'Lucky' Gordon
Bulkhead #34 Door
Charlie Saves the Boat
Pass or Perish
Perils of Pressure
Riding the Roof
Shooting the Sh*t
Trimming a Sub
Cold War Operations
Charlie Saves the Boat
Pass or Perish
Perils of Pressure
Riding the Roof
Shooting the Sh*t
Trimming a Sub
Cold War Operations
Items written by Gilles Poirier
About the Q-Tank
Cutting Sub in Two
Dit about Dishes
Earning your Dolphins
Red Light / Black Light
Cutting Sub in Two
Dit about Dishes
Earning your Dolphins
Red Light / Black Light
Items by David Anderson
Index to Items About Pirates (Submariner Life)
Items by Jim 'Lucky' Gordon
Items by Gilles Poirier
Items by David Anderson
Index to Items by Submariners on Flashback
There are many short items about various things going on at HMCS Ojibwa so be sure to check them out. What is listed below are the links to shorter items written by submariners.
Items by Jim 'Lucky' Gordon
Needs Must
No Comfy Chairs
Burst Ear Drums
Ear Wagging
Attack Well Shimmy
Dress Sense or Lack Thereof
Prelude to Up Spirits (about rum)
Thar she Blows / Vents
No Comfy Chairs
Burst Ear Drums
Ear Wagging
Attack Well Shimmy
Dress Sense or Lack Thereof
Prelude to Up Spirits (about rum)
Thar she Blows / Vents